by Susan Denisi | Feb 1, 2024 | Drain Maintenance, Clog Prevention, Clogs, Drain Cleaner, Drain Cleaning, Drain Screen, Garbage Disposal, Healthy Drains, Plumbing Care, Plumbing Practices, Plumbing System, Plumbing Tips
If you’ve ever dealt with a pesky clogged drain, you know how annoying it can be. Drains often get overlooked because they’re not the most “obvious” part of your plumbing system. But let’s face it, they’re the unsung heroes that keep everything...
by Susan Denisi | Jan 15, 2024 | Bathroom Hygiene, Bacteria, Bathroom, Disinfect, Drain Cleaning, Germ Prevention, Germs, Hygiene Practices, Microbes, Moisture, Sanitary Habits
Bathrooms are one of the most used areas in any home, which unfortunately means they can also be one of the dirtiest given their purpose. Since bacteria and germs thrive in moist environments, this makes bathrooms the perfect breeding ground for them. As we all know,...